Everyone knows that you need to keep your home clean in the Bothell area. Would you be surprised to learn the health benefits of a clean home?
Your mom probably made you clean your room (and bathroom, and maybe even the cat litter box) while you were growing up, as your mom probably did before her.
Today, you try to keep your house clean, but some days you wonder: How bad would it be if you put aside that cleaning planner you downloaded from Pinterest and just take a break from cleaning?
How important is a clean house? To answer that, today we will share some of the many ways that keeping your home clean can benefit the health of you and your loved ones – ways that may surprise you.
Health benefit n. # 1: keeping your bedroom clean can help you sleep better
Do you have a hard time catching those beloved zzzs? You’re not alone A recent study by the National Sleep Foundation showed that 45 percent of Americans don’t sleep well. It’s a wonder, with our constant on-the-go lifestyle, that we don’t fall into bed and pass out until morning, but that’s not the case. The truth is that our minds are full and of course we think about all the things that are left undone while we try to fall asleep, including all the clutter that surrounds us in our rooms.